Source code for dedupe.blocking

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

    from typing import (

    import dedupe.predicates
    from dedupe._typing import Data, Record, RecordID
    from dedupe.index import Index

    Docs = Union[Iterable[str], Iterable[Iterable[str]]]
    IndexList = DefaultDict[str, List[dedupe.predicates.IndexPredicate]]

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def index_list() -> IndexList:
    return defaultdict(list)

[docs] class Fingerprinter: """Takes in a record and returns all blocks that record belongs to""" def __init__(self, predicates: Iterable[dedupe.predicates.Predicate]) -> None: self.predicates = predicates self.index_fields: dict[str, IndexList] self.index_fields = defaultdict(index_list) """ A dictionary of all the fingerprinter methods that use an index of data field values. The keys are the field names, which can be useful to know for indexing the data. """ self.index_predicates = [] for full_predicate in predicates: for predicate in full_predicate: if hasattr(predicate, "index"): self.index_fields[predicate.field][predicate.type].append(predicate) self.index_predicates.append(predicate)
[docs] def __call__( self, records: Iterable[Record], target: bool = False ) -> Generator[tuple[str, RecordID]]: """ Generate the predicates for records. Yields tuples of (predicate, record_id). Args: records: A sequence of tuples of (record_id, record_dict). Can often be created by `data_dict.items()`. target: Indicates whether the data should be treated as the target data. This effects the behavior of search predicates. If `target` is set to `True`, an search predicate will return the value itself. If `target` is set to `False` the search predicate will return all possible values within the specified search distance. Let's say we have a `LevenshteinSearchPredicate` with an associated distance of `1` on a `"name"` field; and we have a record like `{"name": "thomas"}`. If the `target` is set to `True` then the predicate will return `"thomas"`. If `target` is set to `False`, then the blocker could return `"thomas"`, `"tomas"`, and `"thoms"`. By using the `target` argument on one of your datasets, you will dramatically reduce the total number of comparisons without a loss of accuracy. .. code:: python > data = [(1, {'name' : 'bob'}), (2, {'name' : 'suzanne'})] > blocked_ids = deduper.fingerprinter(data) > print list(blocked_ids) [('foo:1', 1), ..., ('bar:1', 100)] """ start_time = time.perf_counter() predicates = [ (":" + str(i), predicate) for i, predicate in enumerate(self.predicates) ] for i, record in enumerate(records): record_id, instance = record for pred_id, predicate in predicates: block_keys = predicate(instance, target=target) for block_key in block_keys: yield block_key + pred_id, record_id if i and i % 10000 == 0: "%(iteration)d, %(elapsed)f2 seconds", {"iteration": i, "elapsed": time.perf_counter() - start_time}, )
[docs] def reset_indices(self) -> None: """ Fingerprinter indices can take up a lot of memory. If you are done with blocking, the method will reset the indices to free up. If you need to block again, the data will need to be re-indexed. """ for predicate in self.index_predicates: predicate.reset()
[docs] def index(self, docs: Docs, field: str) -> None: """ Add docs to the indices used by fingerprinters. Some fingerprinter methods depend upon having an index of values that a field may have in the data. This method adds those values to the index. If you don't have any fingerprinter methods that use an index, this method will do nothing. Args: docs: an iterator of values from your data to index. While not required, it is recommended that docs be a unique set of of those values. Indexing can be an expensive operation. field: fieldname or key associated with the values you are indexing """ indices = extractIndices(self.index_fields[field]) for doc in docs: if doc: for _, index, preprocess in indices: index.index(preprocess(doc)) for index_type, index, _ in indices: index.initSearch() for predicate in self.index_fields[field][index_type]: logger.debug("Canopy: %s", str(predicate)) predicate.index = index predicate.bust_cache()
[docs] def unindex(self, docs: Docs, field: str) -> None: """Remove docs from indices used by fingerprinters Args: docs: an iterator of values from your data to remove. While not required, it is recommended that docs be a unique set of of those values. Indexing can be an expensive operation. field: fieldname or key associated with the values you are unindexing """ indices = extractIndices(self.index_fields[field]) for doc in docs: if doc: for _, index, preprocess in indices: try: index.unindex(preprocess(doc)) except KeyError: pass for index_type, index, _ in indices: index.initSearch() for predicate in self.index_fields[field][index_type]: logger.debug("Canopy: %s", str(predicate)) predicate.index = index predicate.bust_cache()
def index_all(self, data: Data) -> None: for field in self.index_fields: unique_fields = {record[field] for record in data.values() if record[field]} self.index(unique_fields, field)
def extractIndices( index_fields: IndexList, ) -> Sequence[tuple[str, Index, Callable[[Any], Any]]]: indices = [] for index_type, predicates in index_fields.items(): predicate = predicates[0] index = predicate.index preprocess = predicate.preprocess if predicate.index is None: index = predicate.initIndex() assert index is not None indices.append((index_type, index, preprocess)) return indices